
Expressions of superman. To write things i havent thought will happen in his life. Bleed and cry. Disappointed and neglected. Rejoice and celebrate. let me put it all in words though i think im not really good at it. WELCOME!

Friday, February 10, 2006

I feel this way..losing hope..losing her

i have somethings to say..
despiteof my loquacious attitude..
der are things dat i havent told u yet..
my feelings and everything..
i dont kno y i feel so comfortable with you..
i dont kno y i laugh even at the corniest joke with y0u..
i dont kno y my heart beats so fast everytime i hear ur name..ur voice
sad thoughts fromt he past make me think to let go..
but as i think of y0u,and of our happy moments too,
i decided to h0ld on...
and hope dat we could continue our withheld friendship..
but i kno its so impossible to happen..
i've cause da big emotional damage already..
and i dont want it to happen agen..
juz d0nt be blank over myfeelings..

i MISS y0u..

u juz d0nt know h0w much i d0..
it pierces me all along without you...


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